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Conversion Rates, Customer Reviews, And Star Ratings

Updated: Sep 1, 2020

As a business owner, you probably know that positive online reviews from customers can have positive impacts on your business.

As Search Engine Land describes, the data demonstrates that a few important factors affect how customer review on Google My Business can positively impact a business.

Here are a few rules of thumb:

#1 Reply to at least 32% of reviews.

According to research, businesses that replied to at least 32% of GMB customer reviews noted conversation rates that were comparatively higher by 80% to businesses who only replied to 10% of GMB reviews.

#2 Aim high for star ratings…

…Your conversation rates will thank you. The data is clear on this aspect: High star ratings equal high conversion rates.

The data shows that businesses who increased their GMB star rating from 3.5 to 3.7 stars boosted their conversation rates by about 120%.

Also, it’s important to know that generally speaking when businesses achieved 4.9 stars, their conversion rates reached their height.

#3 But remember, star ratings do have a sweet spot.

In fact, based on data reports, small and medium businesses saw a decrease in conversion rates when they achieved 5 star ratings. Alternatively, significant increases in conversion rates occurred between the 4.3 to 4.4 star rating bump.

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